Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Above the bed sign

Although I haven't used Pinterest for long and I've mostly used it for wedding-inspiration pictures, I was inspired by Young House Love to participate in ---

The lovely leaders of these challenge and their projects can be found here:

I don't know if it's the teacher in me or what but I've always enjoyed cute sayings in poster form and my bestie Lauren seems to love them, too, based on my following of her on Pinterest. She never ceases to amaze me with all of the awesome sayings she scrounges up. I will definitely be making a sign for my classroom with this saying:
But for this particular challenge, I decided to focus on the home. My fiance is out of the country for a week so I'm making over our bedroom While You Were Out-style. Right now we have nothing hanging on our walls so although our comforter is on the way from Target and as soon as that comes, I'll be able to pick out the right shade of gray for the walls, I need something to hang on the walls once they're painted and I thought that painting a canvas with a saying would be perfect to hang over the bed.
Here is our comforter set:
At first I thought I'd use the ever-popular:

... but, fiance and I have never said that to each other, even though we do always follow it! Then I started thinking about what we do say to each other while I dug up these canvases that I painted and used in my old apartment (previously blogged about here):

Which weren't exactly my fiance's style and were hiding out under the bed just begging to be repainted and used again. Since I was reusing canvases, this project cost me a whopping $5 for paint a couple of new brushes. Here is what I came up with:

This started out when I used to tell him, "I love you more than chocolate," which is a huge deal because, c'mon, it's CHOCOLATE! It evolved to, "I love you more than Starbucks," as I kinda sorta got him as addicted to Starbucks as I am and now it's our unofficial motto. Shameless plug for our wedding-planning blog that I just started by the same name: here.

Once I finish the rest of the room makeover, I'll be blogging about our sign's new home over the bed. I am thrilled to be painting another yet another white room in this house. I am officially a real estate agent's worst nightmare.


  1. I'm super excited to see the room makeover :)

  2. I kind of guessed on the colors of my sign and it turns out they kind of clash. The good news is, the wall color and the comforter look fabulous, as well as the perfectly matching curtains that I already had!! I'll just have to start at square one with wall art which I'm ok with. I always need projects!
